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Elder Law & Estate Planning

Estate Administration in New York
Elder Law & Estate Planning

Mistakes to Avoid if You Are Named an Executor of an Estate

Serving as the executor of an estate is a serious responsibility that brings with it legal duties. Executors who fail to properly manage an estate can face legal consequences, including personal liability for losses. If you have been named as an executor, you should be aware of common mistakes that you should avoid. Paying the…

Elder Law & Estate Planning

Holiday Wishes

By Marion M. Walsh, Esq., Littman Krooks LLP All of us at Littman Krooks wish you a holiday season filled with joy, happiness and success.   We know how difficult this season can be for those with disabilities or illnesses who are alone, sad or isolated and for their caregivers.   During this time of year, especially,…

Elder Law & Estate Planning

New Federal Law Helps Protect Seniors

Bipartisan legislation was passed by Congress and signed by President Trump to protect seniors from financial exploitation. The Court-Appointed Guardian Accountability and Senior Protection Act passed Congress as part of the Elder Abuse Prevention and Prosecution Act and was signed into law on October 18, 2017. The legislation, authored by U.S. Senators John Cornyn, R-Texas…

Elder Law & Estate Planning

New Elder Abuse Protections in New York State

A bill signed into law by Gov. Andrew Cuomo in September requires state agencies to create guidelines that will assist healthcare providers in identifying elder abuse. The law calls for the development of screening tools, questions that healthcare providers can ask, and other resources they can use to report abuse or seek additional assistance. The…

Elder Law & Estate Planning

IRS Increases Annual Exclusion for Gifts

By: Amy C. O’Hara, CELA, Partner, Littman Krooks LLP December 31st will be upon us before we know it.  As estate planning attorneys, now is the time of year we work with clients to evaluate their wealth transfer strategies prior to year-end and for the coming year. Effective January 1, 2018, the IRS has confirmed…

choosing a health care agent
Elder Law & Estate Planning

Social Security Administration Announces Two Percent Cost of Living Adjustment for 2018

The Social Security Administration (SSA) recently announced a 2% Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) for beneficiaries of Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Social Security Benefits. This 2% increase marks the largest COLA increase since 2012 when the COLA increase was 3.2%, and according to the SSA’s October 13, 2017 press release the increase is expected…

Elder Law & Estate Planning

Estate Planning Tips for Newlyweds

By Ryan J. Byrnes, Esq., Littman Krooks LLP Labor Day weekend has come and gone marking the unofficial end of the summer. However, one season is still in full swing. That’s right, it’s wedding season. Many couples have said their “I Do’s” this summer and will continue to do so over the next few months.…

Elder Law & Estate Planning

New York Court of Appeals Rejects Constitutional Right to Physician-Assisted Suicide

By Marion M. Walsh, Esq., Littman Krooks LLP The New York State Court of Appeals, in Meyers, et. al. v. Schneiderman,, on September 7, 2017,  ruled that assisted suicide remains illegal in New York.   Specifically, the Court affirmed lower court rulings  that  that the state legislature has a rational basis for criminalizing assisted suicide.…

Elder Law & Estate Planning

Pet Trusts: Ensuring Care for Pets When You Can No Longer Care for Them

By Arshi Pal, Esq. As the summer brings warmer weather and longer days, I look forward to my evenings in the doggy park with my twins, Louie and Simba. When I get home from work there they are waiting for me to pick them up and take them to their favorite spot. I cherish the…

New York Paid Family Leave
Elder Law & Estate Planning

What You Should Know About New York State Paid Family Leave

Beginning January 1, 2018, private employees in New York State will be covered by the state’s paid family leave program. Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed the family leave bill into law in 2016, along with a $15 minimum wage bill. The governor’s office described the legislation as the nation’s most comprehensive and strongest paid family leave…