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Special Education Advocacy

Special Education Advocacy

LEARNet: Unique Approaches in Addressing the Needs of Students with Brain Injury

Each year in the United States, more than 30,000 children become permanently disabled following a brain injury resulting from such incidents as falls, sports-related concussions, anoxia, stroke, and vehicular crashes. As a child gets older, that part of the brain previously damaged may not work as well as it should. Problems seen in children after brain injury include deficits or altered development in attention and concentration, memory, and organizational skills as well as changes in behavioral, social, and emotional functioning.

Special Education Advocacy

School Bus Strike a Challenge for Special Needs Students

January 31, 2013 – The two-week-old strike by New York City school bus drivers will continue, as the city rejected the union’s proposal for a “cooling-off period” during which the drivers would return to work and the city would stop seeking bids for a new bus contract. The strike has disproportionately affected students with special…

Special Education Advocacy

School Bus Strike a Challenge for Special Needs Students

The two-week-old strike by New York City school bus drivers will continue, as the city rejected the union’s proposal for a “cooling-off period” during which the drivers would return to work and the city would stop seeking bids for a new bus contract.

The strike has disproportionately affected students with special needs.  Only 152,000 of New York’s more than 1.1 million school children ride the school system’s yellow buses, but 54,000 of them are students with special needs, many of whom use wheelchairs.

Special Education Advocacy

Littman Krooks Strengthens Their Position in the Special Education Community

Littman Krooks LLP continues to enhance their strong reputation in the Special Education community through new initiatives in 2013. The experienced, fast-growing team of Special Needs Planning and Special Education attorneys and advocates is now uniquely positioned to better accommodate the needs of their clients. The firm has hired Giulia Frasca, an experienced Special Education attorney. Ms. Frasca works with children with special needs and their parents to obtain a free and appropriate public education from their school district. She also handles other special needs matters such as guardianships, wills and trusts…

Special Education Advocacy

Second Circuit Sets Important Precedent Upholding New York Prohibition on Aversive Interventions

The United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit of New York, in Bryant v. New York State Education Department upheld New York’s regulatory prohibition on the the use of “aversive interventions,” which are negative consequences or stimuli administered to children who exhibit problematic and disruptive behavior that impedes their education. The interventions can include electric shock, food limitations, and restraints in schools.

Special Education Advocacy

Considerations for Determining if a Student Needs a One-to-One Aide

Decisions to recommend a one-to-one aide must weigh the factors of both: –          The student’s individual needs; –          The available supports in the setting where the student’s IEP will be implemented. There are certain important considerations that must be made by the CPSE/CSE in regard to the factors above. These include, but are not limited…

Special Education Advocacy

Special Education: The Budget Dilemma

In response to the recent article “Special Education for Schools a Delicate Balancing Act,” a partner at the law firm of Littman Krooks LLP has stated: “It is imperative for lawmakers to understand the ramifications of cutting back funds for special education.  The IDEA and Part 200 of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education…

Special Education Advocacy

Key Differences Between Section 504 and IDEA

As the parent of a child with special needs, you are probably familiar with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, also known as IDEA, as well as Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act.

Although there is a relationship between the two statutes, they have different objectives. Section 504 is intended to eliminate barriers that exclude persons with disabilities or, in other words, to create a level playing field. This federal law is designed to protect the rights of individuals with disabilities in programs and activities that receive federal funds from the U.S. Department of Education.

Special Education Advocacy

ADHD and Parent Advocacy

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common psychiatric disorders in children. Affecting an estimated three to five percent of children worldwide, ADHD can cause symptoms that last into adulthood. Children diagnosed with the disorder have to work on controlling impulsive behaviors and managing their attention issues, while their parents must keep a careful watch on their educational experience. School performance is one of the most common ways that a child is identified as having ADHD.

Special Education Advocacy

Planning for the Future: A Common Concern

With an estimated 21 million families in the U.S. having at least one family member with a disability, your family is not alone. Also common with such families is the need for special needs planning. Have you planned for the future of your loved one with special needs? Perhaps your loved one’s needs are currently being taken care of in terms of finances, health and quality of life—but what about when you pass on? Although such topics force us to consider our own mortality, it is in the best interest of your loved one to think about things such as a letter of intent and special needs trust.