Special Education Advocacy

Understanding the Differences between the IDEA and Section 504  

By Marion M. Walsh, Esq., Littman Krooks LLP The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 504) protect the rights of students with disabilities in public schools. Often, parents have confusion about the two laws, as there is some overlap, and the terms and protections can…

Elder Law & Estate Planning

Guardianship: Fact vs. Fiction

In recent months, television viewers have been captivated by docuseries and fictional portrayals of conservatorship, known in New York as Guardianship. As with most on-screen productions, there may be more dramatic fiction at work than factual portrayal. A reasonable viewer would be worried about the prospect of guardianship, and maybe with good reason. A guardianship…

Special Education Advocacy

Planning for the Transition to Kindergarten for Student with Disabilities

By Sandi Rosenbaum, Educational Advocate and Marion Walsh, Esq., Partner, Littman Krooks LLP Parents of students starting kindergarten in the fall may want to keep their child in the preschool program they attend, rather than having them transition to kindergarten. This is especially true for children with disabilities, who have birthdays in November and December. …

Medicaid Allowance
Bernard A. Krooks

Deciding How to Leave Money to Others

By Bernard A. Krooks, Certified Elder Law Attorney You have finally gotten around to focusing on your estate planning and have taken that first step by contacting an estate planning lawyer.  Now you have to decide who gets what (or does not get) upon your demise.  These are difficult decisions and are often complicated by…

Senior Father With Adult Son Relaxing On Sofa At Home
Special Education Advocacy

Proposed Legislation Regarding Home and Community-based Medicaid Waivers Aims to Improve Access to Services

By Arshi Pal, Esq., Littman Krooks LLP Medicaid Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) waivers allow individuals who are otherwise eligible for Medicaid to receive supports and services in the home and community setting, instead of being served in an institution-like or more restrictive setting. HCBS waivers provide, among other things, supportive employment, integrated day…

Happy Senior Couple On Vacation at the Beach
Special Needs Planning

Will The Stimulus Check Affect Your Government Benefits?

By Brian L. Miller, Esq., Littman Krooks LLP With the $1.9 trillion stimulus package that was recently signed into law, many Americans are scheduled to receive a $1,400 stimulus check in the coming weeks.  This has caused people with disabilities wondering if the stimulus payment will impact their eligibility for government benefits.  Government benefits such…

Multi Generation Family Enjoying Picnic Together
Bernard A. Krooks

Beneficiary Designations for Retirement Accounts

By: Bernard A. Krooks, Certified Elder Law Attorney Estate planning is so much more than filling in the blanks on a few forms that you have printed out from the internet.  In addition to having the proper documents and fiduciaries, you need to make sure that the estate plan is coordinated so that your beneficiary…

Special Education Advocacy

Virtual or Hybrid Learning for Students with Disabilities

By Marion M. Walsh, Esq., Littman Krooks LLP As we now approach a full year of either virtual or hybrid learning, many parents and students are even more exhausted and overwhelmed than ever. As the future is still uncertain, many parents still have questions and concerns on their child’s progress and access to services. Here…

Couple sitting in garden outside their home
Elder Law & Estate Planning

A Primer on Estate Tax Returns

When a resident of New York dies with a will in place, the nominated executor must file a petition to probate the will in the Surrogate’s Court to obtain authority to administer the decedent’s estate.  If a resident of New York dies without leaving a proper will, a petition must be filed in the Surrogate’s…

Man working on his estate plan on a laptop
Elder Law & Estate Planning

The Pitfalls of an Online Will

By Joel Krooks, Esq., Littman Krooks LLP Many companies currently provide people with the opportunity to create a Last Will and Testament and other various legal documents online. These online Wills have various issues that can cause your estate to not be distributed as intended, can create excessive legal fees during the estate administration, and…